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Dudes Factory!!!The Eclectic Multi Brand shop for Guys and their Babes!!!!

You know I enjoy finding new places and this store is an interesting and fun store with a good concept that is worth mentioning Dudes- Factory
in Berlin/mitte
district on the Torstrasse !!! is a shop to discover pieces you could find a fashion piece or a home warming gift whatever it is!!!! it will definitely be something with unique touch!!!! The shop is a mix of various articles that includes Scarfs, Art,Books,T shirts,and other fun and interesting Knickknacks! Like booze!!! and a really hip Flask!!!The place here reminds you of a place where dudes can go and be inspired !!!but still the ladies will feel welcomed through the Creative Mix that the shop offers!!When you come in it’s like a candy shop because there is so much to see, I started off with the really eclectic scarfs in quirky prints!!from!!!Studio killers!!!!that really had me looking and wanting more!!!! I discovered a wooden rocking chair for Kids that I thought was quite original!!!! so if you don’t know what to get your children !!!then these unique rocking horses is really a good place to start!!!

Then I was off to the black and white Illustrations from The French artist Mcbess who I later learned is not only an artist but also does work in other medias a true Modern Renaissance man!!!!!!!
Here he sells his illustrations and T shirts adorned with his illustrations . I must say the Tshirts are cool and if worn in a correctly these items can be cutting edge!!Mcbess works with the shop offering Beer Mugs and Bottled Wine with this Illustrations and then a fun Film Animations on a Wide screen which was fun and inspiring at the same time.
Later I looked at the books which were inspirational with books Arabic Graffiti “how Fierce is that”!very ornamental!!!!
Still walking around and checking out the other knickknacks in the shop,I came across a Bike and being this is BerlinStyle !!!! “a Bike is a must have” article I later learned that the Factory works with the Berlin Bike Producers 44 flavours a company producing unique Bikes!!! this I thought made the store a shop with a goal !!!!a shop with their own style that collaborates with other creative individuals to produce a bouillabaisse of creativity .
I have to return since I loved the T shirts and knit hats and the prices for clothing were really fair so one can splurge !!!!!The art pieces are limited edition pieces, which makes Dudes- Factory a added addition gallery/shop where one can come in and be inspired Berlin Style!!!!

P.S. Of course today one has little time to stop by but still that should not stop one from checking their online shop!!!!

Love Sean

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