When not sure what to do this Weekend make a stop to the Martin Gropius Museum for the David Bowie Exhibit which has been a success in Berlin after it’s successful run at The Viktoria and Albert Museum in London.Many know the artist Davisd Bowies music but what one does not know is the work behind this artist. This artist who has constantly reinvented himself both musically and visually.The exhibit is a mix of Music,History,and Style.When you are at this exhibit you enter the World of David Bowie which is actually fascinating .I was delighted to find out some of his early costumes were made by the Japanese designer Kansai Yamamoto who I must say was and is still one of the best Designers and artists of the 20th century .I left smiling and happy to know that there was more behind this artist and his music.
“Remember the exhibition is only until the 24th of August so make it a must exhibit when in Berlin”.
Love Sean