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Remembering Holocaust Victims in Berlin!!!!!

Well I love Berlin
I really do it is inspirational and why I love Berlin ?its also a city that addresses a very dark past while embracing the future !!!!!!I was called a few days ago by a friend who lives in the Nollendorfstrasse in Berlin
it’s really one of those streets that is Multicultural,. Sophisticated,Urban and where the Berlin Gay
community flourishes and what one finds out is that in the early part of the last century when Germany and Berlin
were being help captive by the Nazi regime many People of the Jewish faith resided all over Germany but specifically due to my story I am talking about this street!!!! on the Nollendorfstrasse!!! as we know many made it out of Germany but so many did not!!!!!!The past here in Germany has always intrigued me and I have read a few books about this dark period here in Germany, but at this time I am going to tell you about an initiative started many years ago from a special human being Gunter Demnig thank god we have people like him they make the world such a unique place.

They wanted the victims of the Nazi regime would never be forgotten and this idea became The Metal Plates “Stolperstein”. Which literally means tripping stone These metal stones plates placed primarily in front of the residences where Jewish ,.Gay,Nazi Political Opposers,Gypies and other minorities and persecuted individuals in Germany at that period are remembered and honored !!!Really Just Talking about it I gives me chills because it makes me think how horrific Ignorance and Racism are for any community!!!!What Germany lost was so much!!! A part of their soul .
l!! I attended the ceremony to place theses stones at the residence of 28 Nollendorftrasse ,the same street where Isherwood

resided and around the corner the famous Operetten House The Metropol Theater existed !! here you always had an lively crowd even in Berlin’s true hey day during the 20s and 30s this naturally was until the nazi regime changed everything forever!!!!!

The ceremony was attended by Family Members of the deceased inhabitants of this apt. complex and Oh my god!!!!!!a truly inspiring story I met a woman of jewish heritage who was protected through out the horrific years by a German family and survived !!!!!!!
This gave me a true understanding about love and that at this very dark period there were some special people who took the chance to help others!!!!!!!! of course many turned a blind eye!!! but there were many who helped and this was explained to me by Ms.Hanni Levy and I quote!!
“If these people did not help me I would not have survived”!!!!! I feel so honored to have been at the ceremony!!!and met this woman I want to thank my girlfreinfd Bettina Hamann who informed me of the ceremony. Later I met Jonathan Muelenthal the great grandson of another victim of the holocaust who resided in the Nollendorfstrasse 28, he explained that his family came to honor his Grandparents but also he wanted to see where his Grandfather spent his summers as a young boy and where he had so many fond memories as a youngster in Berlin.
Jonathan told me that his grandfather often reminisced about his times in BerlinBerlin

How moving this was I cannot begin to tell you!!!!The placement of the stones is quite a demanding task but I applaud all who remember , bow and pay homage to the victims!!!!
I love seeing these stones in Berlin
!!!! sometimes I contemplate ,sometimes I pray, and I am so happy to know this movement is done out of Love,and respect to Mankind!!! so when you see in front of a building, these precious stones just know that this is one of those special things in
that make the city so unique!!!
Remembering the past and honoring those who lost their loves .I believe the movement of the Stolperstein is because of a powerful energy that comes from somewhere so special!!!!!Above!!!

For all who want to give a donation to this project!!!or want to learn more go to their website!!!
That is possible and at least one truly knows!!!!where your money is going!!!!!
check out the wesbsite Stolpersteine

Love Sean

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